Play in Celebration Park

Public outdoor amenity and gathering space
Springline will feature three designated park areas, including Celebration Park. Designed as the Chesterfield “meeting place,” Celebration Park will focus on arts programming and fitness activities, including:
- Multipurpose lawn
- Walking loop
- Exercise stations
- Ping pong tables
- Disc Golf practice
- Bocce
- Cornhole
- Yoga and Pilates on the lawn
- Street closures for special events (Farmers markets, concerts, arts festivals, craft shows, etc.)
A multi-use path for walking, running, and biking will extend from The Boulder’s Office Campus into Springline.
Celebration Park Conceptuual Plan
Anchor Entertainment Building
Springline will also feature a three-story building, with direct connection to the parking deck, which will house a major entertainment anchor and new
corporate offices.